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Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration

Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration

11 Mar, 2024

The animated Google Doodle honors the flat white, a popular espresso-based drink believed to have originated in Australia or New Zealand. This doodle will be visible in several countries, including India.

History of flat white

On March 11, 2011, the Oxford English Dictionary added "flat white" to its list of definitions. The popular coffee drink known as a "flat white," which consists of steamed milk poured over an espresso shot, is believed to have originated in Australia or New Zealand. It is believed that in the 1980s, this drink made its first appearance on menus in Sydney and Auckland.

How to make a flat white?

A flat white is traditionally served in a ceramic cup and is made composed of an espresso shot, steamed milk, and a thin layer of microfoam.

Among coffee connoisseurs who prefer less foam, flat whites are popular because they are "flatter" than cappuccinos or lattes. Baristas often persuade customers to order drinks in cafes throughout Australia and New Zealand by showcasing their artistic talents and creating visually stunning drinks.

The culture surrounding coffee and the methods of making flat whites have evolved significantly over time. In the past, whole milk was used to make flat whites, but these days, it's common to see Australians and New Zealanders ordering them with plant-based milk, such as oat milk.

Since its global dissemination, the flat white has increased in popularity and become a favorite. It has become a staple in many countries and is enjoyed by many. "Regardless of its origins, coffee lovers worldwide agree it's a favorite morning or afternoon pick-me-up," reads the description of the Google Doodle.

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